Monday, April 25, 2011

New Title. Different Cover. Same Machine Guns.

My hint fiction book, despite delays, is almost ready to go live. 

After considering some wise advice, I've changed the title from Unclear! to The Rifle Carousel: Hint Fictions. The first title was meant as a kind of private joke, but it would undoubtedly give readers the wrong impression. Thanks to Robert Swartwood and my amazing wife for their very useful input. 

I also redesigned the cover. Took less work than I thought--always good. The new image is bleaker, yet contains fewer AK-47s. For some stupid reason I can't post it here, but will on my facebook page. 

If anyone reading this is interested in receiving an advance copy at no charge, email me at In return, I'd ask that you write a short review at amazon,, smashwords, at your blog, or web venue of your choice sometime after the book goes live (I'll let you know when it does). 

Doesn't need to be long and involved--just a few sentences is fine.  I'm not afraid of honest criticism, so if it's not a five-star title, please don't be afraid to say so. I'm just honored that you'd read my stuff in the first place. If you like it, please spread the word to your friends/family/sentient livestock/etc. 

As a tease, here's the title story:

The Rifle Carousel
Every night: AK-47s, saddles on their breeches, gilt hooves for grips. Father Nemerow thinks it's a swords-into-plowshares dream. I know better. 

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